Women's Ministry

The PURPOSE of our women's ministry is to glorify God by equipping women to live out the biblical principles of womanhood within the gospel community of the church and to cultivate God-given gifts in multi-generational discipleship, encouragement, hospitality, and service.


The Women's Bible Study meets at 6:30pm the first Wednesday of each month, following the 6:00pm prayer meeting. We meet in the upstairs overflow room. Childcare is available. We are currently studying the book of James. For more information, 

please contact Jodi Hiser.

2025 Upcoming Events

FEBRUARY:  Bowls & Brushes Painting, 2/13 @6:30pm.  Join us as we share a potluck supper of our favorite soups and breads and then enjoy a watercolor lesson from Joy Cherrick. To help us provide enough painting supplies, please RSVP to Jodi at and let her know the following things: the number of adults and the number of children that will attend, as well as what kind of soup and bread you will bring. 

Psalms of study:  5-8

MARCH:  Breakfast & Beautification Day, 3/1 @9am.  Psalms of Study:  9-12

APRIL:  Women's Annual Tea at Signal Mountain Bible Church, 4/5 @11am.  Psalms of Study:  13-17

MAY:  Picnic Lunch at McCoy Farms, 5/23 @12:30pm.  Psalms of Study:  18-21

JUNE:  Morning Coffee at Pruett's, 6/12 @8am.  Psalms of Study:  22-25

JULY:  Alexian Chapel and Ministry, 7/11 @10am.  Psalms of Study:  26-30

AUGUST:  Dinner, Movie, & Craft Night, 8/21 @6:30pm.  Psalms of Study:  31-34.

SEPTEMBER:  Morning Coffee at Pruett's, 9/17 @8am.  Psalms of Study:  35-38

OCTOBER:  Bowls & Brushes Painting, 10/9 @6:30pm.  Psalms of Study:  39-43.

NOVEMBER:  Women's Dinner Out, 11/13 @6:30pm.  Psalms of Study:  44-47.

DECEMBER:  Women's Christmas Party, 12/17 @6:30pm.  Psalms of Study:  48-51.