Campaign Financials:
Total dollars raised (cash plus pledges) equals $4.4M against a $6M budget. Efforts are ongoing to address the existing gap ($1.6M) to avoid long term church debt.
Recent Activities:
A number of sanctuary pews were relocated to the overflow room, and the temporary ply-wood enclosure was erected in preparations to cut the opening in the existing sanctuary wall for the future tie-in to the new sanctuary.
Scaffolding was erected to support the stone wall cutting activities whereby rock was removed and the opening created; stones were placed in the fellowship wall windows to support the work.
Various civil/soil/septic related conditions were addressed and resolved.
Footings were successfully poured in preparation to start the block foundation walls. Blocking of the walls is now ongoing.
Near-Term Look- Ahead Activities:
Note: the wall cutting activities, removal of temporary enclosures and relocation of church pews back into the sanctuary, are not expected to be completed until late December or after the holidays.
December - January:
Complete blocking of foundation walls.
Complete new masonry wall opening and temporary sealing. Remove temporary enclosure in sanctuary and fellowship hall. Replace pews.
Pour the foundation slab and start steel erection; start of framing of walls and floors will follow.
MARCH 2025
Great progress continues on the structure! Work is ongoing to address remaining building interface issues, with removal of the wooden enclosure inside our existing sanctuary forecast within the next month.
Click here for a recent video, courtesy of Creative Revolver.
For any construction project-related questions, please contact: JasonCraven ( or
Becca Uthlaut (
with the New Sanctuary Build.