Wednesday Morning Men's Bible Study, 2/5 @8am

Monthly Prayer Meeting, 2/5 @6pm

Bible Studies, 2/5 @6:30pm

New Sanctuary Update meetings after both morning worship services, 2/9

Missions Spotlight at evening worship service, 2/9

Summer Missions Trip Meeting after evening worship service, 2/9

SMSS Meals, 2/12

Women's Ministry Bowls & Brushes Painting, 2/13 @6:30pm

Wayside 101, 2/21-22

Men's Retreat, 3/14-15

Missions Conference, 3/29-30


On Wednesday, February 5, join us for our monthly Prayer Meeting at 6pm. The Bible studies meet at 6:30 (Ezra 1-2 for both studies).

There will be brief New Sanctuary update meetings after both morning services on February 9.  At the evening service on February 9, we’ll have a special spotlight on missions. Wayne and Amy Newsome will be on hand to thank us for supporting them for over 30 years. Then after the evening service, there will be an exploratory meeting for a short-term mission trip this summer. We are trying to gauge the interest levels of a few trips; one is a return to Yucatán and a second would be closer to home.

February 12 is our day to provide meals for our SMSS families. If you want to sign up to prepare food, you can find the link here. To help deliver food or if you have questions, contact Marci Cooper.

Ladies of Wayside, you are invited to join us for our next event, “Bowls and Brushes,” at 6:30pm on Thursday, February 13. We'll share a potluck supper of our favorite soups and breads and then enjoy a watercolor lesson from Joy Cherrick. To help us provide enough painting supplies, please RSVP to Jodi  and let her know the following things: the number of adults and the number of children that will attend, as well as what kind of soup and bread you will bring. We hope to see you there!

Pastor Brian will teach a Wayside 101 Class February 21-22 at the church. If you are interested in joining Wayside, or in just learning more about what we believe, please come! The class will begin with supper and a session Friday night (6-8:30pm), and the Saturday session will be from 9-11:30am. Childcare is available for younger children. Please email Ken Harmon to sign yourself and/or your family up for the class and let him know if you will need childcare (and the names and ages of your children).

SAVE THE DATE for the 2025 Wayside Men's Retreat (March 14–15) at Camp Vesper Point. Rev. Derrick Brite will lead us in a series of studies on "Fighting the Good Fight of Faith." More information and sign-up information here.

Please pray for our upcoming missions conference (March 29-30)! Plans are being made for an exciting and challenging time. Please pray that we will all "be ready"!  There is a tentative schedule for the event here.